Tom Brady's Mentality Secret

Tom Brady's Mentality Secret

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“Treat every rep like it’s the Super Bowl.” 

How powerful is that mindset if we could apply it to every aspect of our baseball careers? 

In my Freshman year of College, I remember feeling so sorry for myself that I wasn't pitching more. I constantly thought, “Man, they only give THIS guy innings because he’s older than me.” It’s so natural to feel like the deck is constantly stacked against you, but that’s the single most harmful mindset you can have as an athlete. Constantly feeling like there’s nothing you can do to change your playing time or the results on the field is like admitting defeat before the battle even starts. 

It’s important to remember that The Great Tom Brady wasn't always great. He also dealt with coaches who overlooked him and scouts who said he wasn't good enough. But instead of focusing on things he couldn't control, he focused on himself. He viewed his lack of reps as a challenge, not a roadblock. 

“You want to give me less swings in BP than the starters, good… Watch this.”

In life, as in sports, every hurdle we face can either motivate us to be better or discourage us to accept defeat. The beauty of sports is that you get to make that decision every single day. The best remedy to adversity is enthusiasm and energy.

I promise you, no coach is out to get you. No coach is trying to see you fail. Don’t let challenges become excuses. 


Next time you are faced with a lack of playing time or a slump of any kind, remind yourself of what you can control and what you can’t. You can’t control the lineup card, you can’t control what a scout thinks, but you can control each and every single pitch you are a part of. You can focus in on each rep like it’s the Super Bowl. 

Only by keeping our focus pointed internally rather than externally do we begin to start thinking like a winner. Nothing else matters but you and the baseball. 

“In sports, you always have two choices: You either force a coach to play you, or you force a coach to bench you.”

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