Custom Half Bat
Custom Half Bat
How It Works
You might be asking yourself, “Why would I buy half a bat?” Well, the reason is simple: Swing feedback & Self-Adjustment
Our barrel is designed to help hitters feel what flush contact really means. Even the slightest upper cut or chop will result in the ball flying straight up or straight down. Hitters can see the issues and fix it on their own without the need for constant coaching.
What's Included
1-Year Free Subscription - Baseball IQ Mobile Training App!
- "How To" Videos, Drills & PDF's for each bat product
- Interviews w/ top pro players like Bobby Witt Jr. & Jackson Holliday
- Practice Plan PDFs, Pitching/Hitting Drills, Mentality Blog & much much more...
Check out our landing page HERE for more info!
Note: After your purchase, instructions on how to claim this offer will be mailed to you (with your bat)!
NO HARD BALLS. You can only use foam, tennis or whiffle balls with our Half Bat. Marv Foam balls are the preferred option.
Perfect for tee work, front toss, or machine batting practice with foam balls. An added benefit is the bat is lighter than a regular bat, so it's an underload for the hitter. This is a proven method to increase bat speed.