High quality. We use them for both practice tee work and pitching drills.
Tanner Tees
Very high quality tee that will last many seasons.
Lightning Bolt
Great alternative to front toss, that works on bat-to-balls skills & timing. Big fan of this tool. I set it up in the outfield during BP and hitters can get extra work with it.
Power Swing Bat
I’m a big fan of resistance training. This is a great tool to help hitters activate their core before they step in the box for BP. Highly recommended.
Half Bat Trainer
Great tool for teaching proper bat path & flush contact. Very simple to use without a ton of oversight. High quality and used everyday off the tee.
Sweet Spot Pro
Used in tandem with the Lightning Bolt. Amazing tool for hand eye coordination (bat-to-ball skills). Used with foam and tennis balls.
Foam Balls
Needed for both the bats above.
Resistance Belt
Great tool for teaching pitchers to use their legs more when they throw. Can be used in multiple different directions to work on different mechanical elements.
Jaeger Bands
Best way for a pitcher to warm up his arm and prevent injury.
Fun tool for improving spin efficiency on fastballs. Another great self-trainer (like the Half Bat) that allows my pitchers to make real time adjustments.
Pocket Radar
Cheapest option for velo tracking. Very accurate as well.
SKLZ Rebounder
Infielders use these daily to warm up their hands and eyes. Easy to set up and understand. Increases the number of daily reps each guy can get.
Power Alley Lite
I use this for ground balls and fly balls, not hitting. I set up one of my managers or pitchers and they fire accurate BGs. Higher quality reps.
Reaction Balls
Pregame tool to help my fielders wake up and expect bad hops.
2lb Medball
Top hand drill for hitters to work on rotational force generation.
Rope Med Ball
Rotational force trainer for both pitchers and hitters.
Jr Hack Attack
Best machine on the market. Gamechanger for programs.